Thursday, 15 July 2010

Editing skills used and developed and screengrabs

In the Editing process I used skills that I have already used from my previous years doing media in school in order to help me although as I have not used the software for many years I needed some extra help from the others in my group. I used my old skills like importing and exporting filmed footage and also laying music onto the interview.
In the editing process I have learnt how to cut and shrink parts of the footage to make the interview run smoothly for example cutting just the answers form the interviewee out and also cutting the main parts of cutaways, also making sure I can effectively place the parts of footage in the correct places. I can also make sure any unwanted footage is in the interview carefully watching a selecting specific parts. I was also able to separate the audio from filmed footage for example when the cutaways are added we need there to be no sound in order for the audience to hear the interviewee, therefore getting rid of the audio. some of the new skills I learnt where the set in and set out point tool allowing me to select a specific area of film.

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