Tuesday 4 January 2011

Question 3. What have you learned from you audience feedback?

To collect audience feedback we brought together a focus group, They watched our documenatray and listened to our radio advert, as well as looking at our print advert. At the end of the viewing we asked all the viewers to fill out a new audience feedback questionnaire that asked questions on what the viewer thought of the documentary. Thr group also allowed us to make any adjustments or any extra work that needed to be finsihed or changed on the products, therefore helping us improve them futher.

Audience feedback Questionnaire for The truth behind the slap.

1./On a scale of 1-5 (1 being the highest) how informative is the documentary?


2./ Was the documentary interesting to watch ? (if not why?)


3./ Did the background music suit the documentary and the interviews? (if not why?)


4./ Does the documentary run through smoothly?


5./ Was the sound in each of the interviews easy to hear?


6./ Did you like the voice over that was used and did it suit the topic and the target audience? (If not explain why?)


7./ Did the opening sequence catch your attention and make you want to carry on watching? (If not explain why?)


8./ Where the images and archive footage used in the documentary suitable and used in the right places?


9./ Do all of the media texts (radio advert, Newspaper advert and Documentary) fit into the topic that was chosen? (if not please explain?)


10./ What would you rate the print Advert out of 10? (please circle)

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10

11./ Would you watch the documentary after listening to the radio advert?


12./ Do you think our documentary should be scheduled on channel 4? (please circle)

Yes No

Tally of Questionnaire Results 

Question 1 = 1-0, 2-8, 3-0, 4-0, 5-0

Question 2 = yes - 8

Question 3 = yes - 6, no-0, maybe- 1

Question 4 = yes-8, no-0

Question 5 = yes-6, no-2

Question 6 = yes-8, no-0

Question 7 = yes-8, no-0

Question 8 = yes-8, no-0
Question 9 = yes-8, no-0

Question 10 = 1-0, 2-0, 3-0, 4-0, 5-0, 6-0, 7-1, 8-3, 9-3, 10-1

Question 11 = yes-8, no-0

Question 12 = yes-8, no-0

Pie charts of results

Feedback is essential when it comes to documentary production. As it lets us know if  our target audience would actually watch our documentary after listening to our radio advert, seeing the print advert and also from just viewing the first five minutes. One of the main reasons for this was that the editing was suitable for our target audience as it kept it fun and upbeat, as well as letting the audience know how people feel about makeup.
Whilst the focus group watched our documentary we found that our interview with Tina (picture above), had poor sound quality because the interview was in house of fraser and it was busy. Because of the way we framed the shot we alos had the microphone futher away from her mouth than we would have liked because we did not want to be caught on screen. If there was an aspect of the production process I would be able to repeat this would be one.

The audience feedback also confirmed our channel and scheduling time. Because our topic is one that would be suitable for most people we chose to schedule it at 8:30 just before watershed as our target audience would be watching teleivision at that point.
We then posted our Documentary, Radio advert and Print advert onto facebook to get a wider range of feedback from different individuals.

Feedback from people who watched my documentary.

We had very pleasent feedback from all of those who watched the Documentary on facebook. It was also good feedback as all of those whow atched the documentary where in the age range for our target audience. We also learnt that all those who had watched it enjoyed the documentary and thought it was a fun and upbeat and interesting to watch. Our feedback also allowed us to see were people thought things could have been improved, Amy griffith told us that the beginning rewinding part of the opening title was abit to fast, and when i looked back I agree with her comment.

Print ad comments

Unfortunatley we had one negative comment for our print ad , but we were happy to recieve it as we know that not everyone will like all of our products. The good comments encorouged us as they have mentions how it conveys the correct image.

Radio advert Comments
Our radio advert comments were also very encouraging as everyone enjoyed it. The feedback has helped as people have said the clips used in the radio ad were good and that they liked the ones that we had picked. This also shows that our target audience would watch our documentary from listening to the radio advert.
Feedback from audiences is extremely important to the production of a documentary, as it allows the producers of the documentary to know whether the intended target audience would watch the documentary, and therefore whether or not it would be successful. Like us, media orgainisations often conduct a focus group to test the documentary they have produced, this way they can get feedback on the changes that need to be made for it to be successful and more professional. The focus group is usually picked at random and money is normally offered in order for someone to participate in the group.

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